Cloudreality Technology ("we," "us," and "our") respects the privacy of our users ("user" or "you"). This Privacy Statement defines how we collect, use, disclose, and safeguard your information when you visit our website and any associated or connected media forms, media channels, mobile websites, and mobile applications (collectively, the "Site"). The following Privacy Statement should be read carefully. You agree to the data and privacy policies detailed in this policy and the general Terms of Service by using this website.


At any time and for any reason, this privacy statement may be modified. We will inform you of any changes by updating the "Revised" date of this Privacy Statement. Any changes or modifications will become effective immediately following the publication of the revised Privacy Policy on the website. You hereby waive your right to receive specific notification of each change or modification. When you use the site after the date a revised Privacy Policy is posted, you agree to be bound by the revised Policy. We recommend that you review our privacy statement frequently to ensure that it is up-to-date.

Data Collection Process

Please take care not to share any private or sensitive information with other site users or members, and avoid including such information in your public profile. Please be aware that if you voluntarily provide personally identifiable or sensitive personal information through Cloudreality Technology's user profiles, user communications, or job applications, others may obtain and use this information.

A user transmits any private, personal, personally identifiable, or sensitive information to other users on Cloudreality Technology at their own risk, and Cloudreality Technology assumes no responsibility for such transmissions.

When you complete a sign-up or contact form, download an eBook or whitepaper, report, subscribe to our newsletters, communicate with us, or send us an email, we collect information about you. You may also choose to provide us with personal information when you use our services, such as when you submit a job application, distribute your resume, or make a purchase.

We may gather information about you through a variety of means. Here are some examples of the types of information we may collect on our website:

Data Security

Information about you that can be used to identify you, including your name, address, e-mail, and telephone number, as well as demographic data, such as your age, place of residence, education, job title, salary, employment history, and interests, that you voluntarily provide to us when you register with the site or choose to participate in various site-related activities. You are not required to provide us with any type of personal information. If you choose not to, you may be unable to use the website.

Accounts and profiles can be created on Cloudreality Technology, where they can be viewed by anyone and are freely searchable online. Using information from your profile, anyone can personally identify you. Users now affirm and agree that the information they post to Cloudreality Technology is truthful, accurate, and does not contain any sensitive data.

While Cloudreality Technology allows users to construct anonymous profiles, their identities can be readily determined by third parties. It is impracticable for Cloudreality Technology to ensure or guarantee the anonymity of its users. Users hereby release Cloudreality Technology from any liability claims related to this obligation.

Due to the insecure nature of the Internet, Cloudreality Technology is not responsible for security vulnerabilities or third-party activities that result in the publication, use, transmission, or other dissemination of user identities or information. Users of Cloudreality Technology are aware that Cloudreality Technology cannot guarantee their anonymity; therefore, they establish profiles and accounts at their own risk.

Recruiting Data

A resume is any document submitted when applying for a job, distributing your resume, or requesting a resume evaluation.

Derivative Data

When you access the site, our servers automatically collect information, such as your IP address, the type of browser you're using, the operating system you're using, the dates and times of your accesses, and the web pages you visited immediately before and after the site. This information is used for service operation, service quality maintenance, and to compile statistics on website usage for Cloudreality Technology.

Information on Finances

When you order, purchase, return, or exchange an item from our website, or inquire about our services, we may collect your payment method's financial information (such as a valid credit card number, card brand, and expiration date). We store very little, if any, of the financial data we receive. Other than that, our payment processor stores all of your financial data. If you have any concerns, please review their privacy statement and contact them directly.

Information on Social Networks

You may have linked your account with Facebook, Google+, Twitter, or LinkedIn. In such a case, we will have access to your name, social network username, location, gender, date of birth, email address, profile image, and public information regarding your connections in these networks.

Contest, Giveaway, And Survey Information

Participation in contests and incentives, as well as survey responses, may necessitate the disclosure of personal information.


Cloudreality Technology collects and uses your personal information to operate its website(s) and deliver the services you've requested.

Cloudreality Technology may contact you on behalf of an external business associate about an offer that may be of interest to you. In addition, Cloudreality Technology may share your information with third parties in order to conduct statistical analyses, send you emails or postal mail, provide customer service, or coordinate deliveries. In addition, because Cloudreality Technology offers career services, it may disclose your personal information, including your resume and other personally identifiable information, to employers, job posters, Cloudreality Technologys, resume writing services, career service providers, or an intermediary third party.

Sometimes, Cloudreality Technology collaborates with external third parties to provide or sponsor specialized content such as eBooks, films, and white papers. In certain situations, the third party responsible for the unique piece of content that you downloaded may have access to your personally identifiable information (including, but not limited to, your email address, name, and address). In addition, Cloudreality Technology hosts career-related content (such as job postings), which requires the transmission of your personally identifiable information.

On Cloudreality Technology, customers whose behavior indicates that they are interested in a particular topic receive customized information and advertising. Cloudreality Technology may monitor the websites/pages that users visit on its website to determine which services are the most popular.

We may disclose your personal information if required by law or if we believe it is necessary to do so for the following reasons:

Cloudreality Technology or the website must comply with all laws and legal processes. Cloudreality Technology's property or rights should be protected and defended. Cloudreality Technology must take immediate action to protect the welfare of its users.

If you consent to the website's privacy statement and acknowledge that Cloudreality Technology may use automated technology to contact you about job opportunities, career advancement opportunities, or educational opportunities based on the information you provided, we may call or text you at the phone number you provided, including your wireless number.

We can provide you with a seamless, efficient, and individualized experience if we have accurate information about you. Specifically, we may use the information we collect about you through the website to:

  • Gather anonymous statistical data and analyses for internal or external use.
  • Account creation and administration.
  • We will use your information to send you targeted advertisements, coupons, newsletters, promotions, and other news about our website and mobile app.
  • Your email regarding your account or order will be sent to you.
  • Facilitate user-to-user communication.
  • Create a profile to customize future visits to the website.
  • We monitor and analyze usage patterns to enhance your site experience.
  • Refunds and processing of payments.
  • Inquire about your website usage and send you feedback.
  • Disputes and problems must be resolved.
  • Service requests and product inquiries must be addressed.

Register with Cloudreality Technology

If you disagree with any of the following, please do not register with Cloudreality Technology.

Using the information you provide, Cloudreality Technology matches you with jobs that may be of interest to you. We list these positions on our website and send you an email notification. You cannot decline this service as a Site user.

Cloudreality Technology also allows users to interact with one another. When a match is found, we send these individuals your personal information along with your resume or CV, if applicable. You cannot decline this service as a Site user. Cloudreality Technology uses cookies to keep track of your visits. Cookies may contain your IP address, email address, and other personal information.

Upon registration and while editing your profile, Cloudreality Technology stores all of the personal information you provide. Cloudreality Technology tracks your location (city, state, and country) using your IP address and uses this information to target you with relevant employment, members, and advertisements when you visit our website.

When you join social media groups operated by Cloudreality Technology, we collect any personal information or survey responses you provide, and we may share this information with our partners. These partners may contact you via telephone or electronic correspondence.

We occasionally create your account at Cloudreality Technology when you join our social media groups. Cloudreality Technology provides leads and advertising to its partners. Your personal information may be shared with these parties. In addition, we may provide you with exclusive news and offers from these partners. You have the option to decline this service.

Our website stores the date and time of your most recent visit. Cloudreality Technology tracks every interaction you make and action you take on our website. Cloudreality Technology keeps records of every message you send and receive via our website. On our website, you can modify your profile information and resumes/CVs. At any time, you may also request the erasure of your account and all associated data.

Cloudreality Technology members receive a variety of email notifications, including the Cloudreality Technology Today newsletter, job matches, application notifications, and account information. You cannot opt out of receiving these messages except for account-related notifications.


All of the resumes/CVs you upload to Cloudreality Technology are stored alongside the information they contain. Cloudreality Technology may transmit your application to posted positions on our website if a match is found. If you are a Site member, you cannot opt out of this service.

Cloudreality Technology keeps note of the positions you apply for on our website and uses this information to match you with members or positions in which you may be interested. If you are a Site member, you cannot opt out of this service.

When you purchase our resume distribution service, we distribute your resume to our employer members and members of Cloudreality Technology. In addition, we provide a link to your resume on the social media pages of our website. Although Cloudreality Technology does not store your credit card information, our payment processor enables us to renew your subscription and recommence delivery.

When you request a professional resume review, Cloudreality Technology transfers your personal information and resume/CV to our partner. Our partner will contact you via phone or email with additional details about their services.

Your personal information is transmitted from Cloudreality Technology to our job alert partners, who then send you job alerts. This service offers the option to sign out. Using multiple external services on Cloudreality Technology, we compare your resume/CV to positions in which you may have an interest. These additional service providers obtain your personal information and resume or CV.

Cloudreality Technology may use the phone number you provide, including your wireless number, to contact you regarding employment opportunities, job search support, career progression, and educational opportunities. This service offers the option to sign out.


The information you upload to Cloudreality Technology is saved. This includes any information contained in the candidates' resumes or curriculum vitae. Cloudreality Technology keeps track of the positions you apply for on our website, and we use this information to match you with positions in which you may be interested. You cannot decline this service as a Site user.

Our resume distribution service enables you to obtain CVs/resumes from Cloudreality Technology. It is possible to decline this service's notifications. When you purchase our Job Market Pro service, Cloudreality Technology does not store your credit card information, but our payment processor can renew your subscription.

These external services receive your candidates' resumes and CVs. Cloudreality Technology compares the resumes and cover letters of candidates to open positions that match their qualifications.

Cloudreality Technology may use an automated system to call or text you at the phone number you provide, including your mobile phone number, about candidate or job matches. You have the option to decline this service.


Cloudreality Technology uses your information to link your job postings with candidates and Cloudreality Technologys. When a match is found, we post your open positions on our website and distribute them to job seekers on other Cloudreality Technologys. If you are a Site member, you cannot opt out of this service.

Through Cloudreality Technology, job postings submitted to our affiliate sites are syndicated. If you are a Site member, you cannot opt out of this service. All of the candidate's personal information that we transmit you is stored on Cloudreality Technology. This includes any information contained in the candidate's resume or CV.

You receive resumes/CVs from Cloudreality Technology's resume distribution service. Cloudreality Technology keeps track of which applicants you prefer for the jobs you post on our website so that we can better match you with them. You have the option to disable this service's notifications. If you are a Site member, you cannot opt out of this service.

We utilize multiple external services to compare resumes and CVs of candidates with open positions. Your duties are delegated to these external services. Cloudreality Technology may use automated technologies to call or text you at the phone number you provide, including your mobile phone number, about applicant matches. This service offers the option to sign out.


Using a third-party learning management system, Cloudreality Technology provides its training. As part of this training program, we provide our partner with your personal information. Cloudreality Technology will enroll you as a certified user either during or after completion of the Cloudreality Technology Certification Program. Our educational or recruitment partners may receive your personal data from Cloudreality Technology.

Cloudreality Technology does not monitor:

  • Your ethnicity or race;
  • Your position on political matters
  • Whether or not you are a union member, your philosophical or religious beliefs;
  • Your biological, genetic, and medical data;
  • Details regarding your sexual orientation or intimate life

Our data storage policy

Your information will remain on our servers until you notify us that you wish to terminate your account.


Your information will remain on our servers until you notify us that you wish to terminate your account.

Maintain Rights

We may disclose your information in accordance with any applicable law, rule, or regulation if we deem it necessary to comply with legal processes, respond to complaints, investigate potential policy violations, or to safeguard the rights, property, or safety of others. This includes sharing information with other organizations in order to prevent fraud and reduce credit risk.

External service providers

We may share your information with third parties in order to process payments, analyze data, send communications, host our website, provide customer service, and support marketing efforts.

Your personal information may only be used by third-party service providers and purveyors for the original purpose it was collected or as required or permitted by law. Unless otherwise mandated by law or agreement, we are not responsible for improper use by such third parties.

Business Communications

We may share your information with third parties for marketing purposes, as permitted by law, with your consent or the option to withdraw consent.

Interactions between individuals

If you interact with other Site users, they can view your name, profile photo, contact information, and activity descriptions.

Online Ads

Your contributions as comments, contributions, or other content are accessible by all users and can be shared off-site for as long as you maintain them.

Advertisers from Unaffiliated Sources

Our Site occasionally displays advertisements provided by third-party advertising companies. Web cookies may contain information about your visits to the Site and other websites, which these companies may use to deliver advertisements for products and services that may be of interest to you.


Affiliates are subsidiaries, business partners in joint ventures, and other organizations that we control or with which we share a structure of shared control. Our primary company is considered to be an affiliate as well. If we decide to share your information with one of our affiliates, we will require them to comply with the terms of this Privacy Statement.